Monday, August 17, 2009

The TruE StoRy BoUt LOvE...... bOy.... n TrUTh....

we ever find love and somtimes it's so wonderfull
but sometimes sad... sometimes we makes
different change in our life when we fell down with
i love someone with my truth.. but
everytime i felt in love n look bout new colour of
my love life i felt just only fire burning outside but
not deep in my heart coz.... most of people that i
ever love just look money and hapiness......why
they can learn bout love itself, why we never talking heart to heart and
listen by our soul??am i made mistake by talking
heart and listen with my soul???
Maybe not everyone agree with this but.. sure...
LoVe will grow with TrUTh and will be greatfull by
GiRL..... so girls.... don't ever try to play with your
heart and your love.... our couple is precious gift
that GOD ever give to us.......
I'm depresed but I know that GOD will make great
story to my life and i will find the........
LoVe, bOy, and The TrUTh...

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